AquaLoop Advisory Board

We are very proud and excited to share that our AquaLoop project is now supported by an international Advisory Board!

AquaLoop Advisory Bord is not only international, covering representatives from four Baltic countries: Lithuania, Denmark, Poland and Germany, but also very interdisciplinary, since the experts represent different aquaculture-related fields and institutions, ranging from public government bodies, research and transfer institutions to private businesses.

AquaLoop Advisory Board members:

  • Loreta Bražinskaitė, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Policy Section of Fisheries Department, Lithuania
  • Annette Løttrup-Moore, Business Developer, Business Lolland-Falster, Denmark
  • Bartosz Blum, Owner and managing director of the company Aquamedic Poland
  • Tobias Fitzel, Project manager at ttz (technology transfer center) Bremerhaven, Germany

The international Advisory Board shall give strategic recommendations on our project based on our activity reports. Thank you! And we are waiting forward to the next meeting with you!

AquaLoop Team

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