Annual Event 2024 of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027

The Annual Event 2024 of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 will take place on 24-25 September in the beautiful historic city of Stralsund in Germany.

“Evolving Priorities: Navigating Challenges and Trends in the Interreg South Baltic Programme”

Day 1 of the Annual Event will be opened with a welcoming speech, followed by a keynote speech ­by Mrs Egija Stapkevica, Deputy Head of VASAB Secretariat. The speech will be based on “State of Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region – Background synthesis report to the VASAB vision 2024” sharing knowledge on the Baltic Sea Region changes, trends, challenges for the Territorial Development of the Baltic Sea Region. More information about the VASAB VISION 2024.

After the official part in a plenary room, participants will have the opportunity to visit projects stands – a good space for networking. We encourage ongoing projects to share with us what you achieved so far!

After lunch, parallel workshop sessions will be held, one chosen during the registration process.

  1. Shaping Tomorrow: Future of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2027+ 
  2. Keep calm and implement your project: Practical insights and collaborative strategies
  3. Boosting project communication with Artificial Intelligence (AI): Tools for enhanced  productivity

The workshops will be followed by guided tours, one to choose from during the registration: the Oceanarium visit or sightseeing of Stralsund. In the evening we all meet up again for a dinner accompanied by live music and DJ beats.

Day 2 will be filled with networking opportunities, including pitching project ideas (step into a spotlight, share the idea for a project and find partnerships!), participating in a game that reviews the workshops from the first day, and celebrating Interreg Cooperation Day.

The Annual Event will conclude in the early afternoon with lunch.

Please, note that project partners can apply to pitch their project ideas and for a project stand or a spot within the registration. Due to organisational matters, both options are subject to approval by the JS. The selected projects will be notified by 10 September.

Organisational information:

  1. Registration open until Friday, 30 August 23:59 CET or until the participants limit is reached
  2.  Agenda

More info and registration

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