AquaLoop at European Maritime Day 2024

On 30 and 31 May 2024, Svendborg, a Danish coastal city with a strong maritime heritage, became a vibrant hub for the EU maritime community. Svendborg hosted the European Maritime Day 2024, welcoming more than 1100 maritime experts and actors.

AquaLoop was present at the event, where together with TETRAS BSR, Business Lolland-Falster, and ALGIECEL, AquaLoop project Coordinator Laura Ballesteros-Redondo hosted a workshop on “Circular Smart Recirculating Aquaculture”. The unique workshop about circular economy in recirculating aquaculture gave the opportunity to delve into discussions about the state of play, exemplary practices, and the hurdles to implementing circular strategies in recirculating aquaculture systems.

Next stop with EMS – Cork in Ireland, 2025. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

AquaLoop presentation at the workshop

A short recap from the two days in Svendborg

European Maritime Day recordings
