Webinar: Including Animal By-Products into the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR)

17th September, 14h – 16h, online

Recycling animal by-products to fertilisers: nutrient circularity, food chain safety and consumer confidence – Webinar jointly organised by ECOFI, Eurofema, ESPP and EBIC. 

With participation of the European Commission (DG SANTE, DG GROW Fertilisers). This webinar will address several key questions: Which Animal By-Product (ABP) materials can currently be used in EU fertilising products? Under what processing conditions? How do the EU ABP Regulations and the Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) fit together? What other materials could be considered? What logic and procedures should be followed to consider additional materials?

Secondary materials and fertiliser industry operators are invited to submit examples of ABPs with significant recycling potential as fertilisers. These should be safe, higher uses in the waste hierarchy (food, animal feed) should not be feasible, and they should currently not be authorised under the EU FPR.

This first webinar will present the current regulatory context, discuss several examples of potentially valuable ABPs that are currently excluded from the FPR, and propose ways to advance the inclusion of different types of ABP materials.
