2nd AquaLoop partner meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania

Partners from all seven institutions of the AquaLoop – Aquaculture forum towards the development of circular economy practices, INTERREG South Baltic project consortium met on the 15th-17th of April 2024 at the Klaipeda University, Lithuania for the second onsite partner meeting.

Not only we had an opportunity to discuss general project progress regarding AquaLoop initial phase, project reporting, communication and dissemination and recent activities within our work packages: PilotLoops, TrainingLoop, and SupportLoop but also planned upcoming cooperation with the focus of the pilots, training programs and support offer development, as well as visited the facilities of Klaipeda University Marine Research Institute Fishery & Aquculture Laboratory, JSC NorasLT – Arctic Char RAS farm, and JSC Kintai – traditional pond aquaculture farm with new African catfish RAS production facility.

Next stop – Copenhagen, where will take the opportunity to hold our AquaLoop partner meeting at the venue of this year Aqua 2024 conference.

AquaLoop work packages and pilots:

  1. PilotLoops: pilots targeting new methods of utilizing aquaculture waste, such as: TARAS – Testing Algae Applications in Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) to improve aquaculture circularity potential in the SB region, led by the University of Gdańsk (PL), NEMATIC – Increasing the nutrient efficiency of commercial aquaculture through increased application of circular economy concepts, led by the University of Rostock (DE), FISHVISA – Development of the Fish-Shrimp-Vegetables integrated system of aquaponics to showcase the potential of circular economy principles in RAS led by the Klaipeda University (LT)
  2. TrainingLoop – Circular aquaculture training pool – providing jointly developed curricula and manuals for study programs for school kids, students, and young professionals and cross-border trainings and awareness raising activities.
  3. SupportLoop: offer of support for SMEs based on the results of the pilots, including demonstrations, feasibility studies, protocols, and dedicated training for professionals in circular systems in aquaculture.

Stay tuned!

AquaLoop Team