Seagriculture EU 2024

18th – 20th June, 2024, Torshavn, Faroe Islands

Seaweed cultivation in Europe is showing promise in terms of growth, however challenges in regulations, cost, and market viability could affect the pace of this growth in the future. The Seagriculture conferences focus on addressing those challenges in the seaweed industry, fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, and emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices, innovation, research, and regulatory adaptability for long-term success.

The theme of Seagriculture EU 2024, Bridging Continents, transcends borders and oceans to unite seaweed enthusiasts from diverse corners of the world. During the conference we delve deep into the global landscape of seaweed cultivation, harvesting, and innovation, learning from the unique experiences and perspectives of experts and enthusiasts from various countries and continents.

Conference programme

